At Holiday Inn Resort Pensacola Beach, you’ll discover a relaxing beachside escape on beautiful Pensacola Beach, Florida, that offers a wealth of activities and amenities, including a safe and enjoyable environment for our guests with special needs. We’re proud to offer unforgettable vacations for special needs families.
As a designated special needs friendly resort by Be Friendlier, our staff undergoes continuous training to ensure we understand sensitivities, developmental disabilities and unique situations so we’re equipped to help. From room safety kits to gluten-free menu options, we take all of your needs into consideration so you can “Just Let Go!”
Call 850-932-5331 today to learn how we can best accommodate your family.
For a small replacement charge, you can check out a Be Friendlier safety kit, designed to offer extra security and safety in any sleeping room. Each kit includes:
- Door alarms (and extra batteries)
- Visual aide “STOP” prompt signs
- Corner guards
- Stove knob covers
- Outlet covers